Players present on April 30th

We started out with brief talk on the importance of having fun when playing the game of basketball, and then progressed to  basic passing drills. 

As communication is key in all aspects of life, we try to enforce that in all the workout we do.  So we let the players mention the named of mates  they passing to before their mates get the pass. This also enhances their attentional skills and alertness 

We then progressed into a passing game.  I call it The 5 Cones Passing& Cut Game. Where we have 4 players passing and moving to a new open(unoccupied) position.

The next part of the session was a shooting. proper shooting form was stressed and jump shots were also introduced to the players.

We had a review of all we did till then and encourgaed players to keep building their listening skills before ending the practice session